Swan Lake Local Horse Show

Swan Lake Stables

May 4, 2024

Open Hunter (2'6 to 3')
  Horse Owner Points
Reserve Gio Lemon Caden Nolt 18.00
Hopeful Hunter/Low Hunter (2' to 2'9)
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Bindilou Jennifer Rogala 40.00
Pre-Adult Hunter (2'6)
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Millpoint’s Autumn Rose Alexis Clelan-Liskey 30.00
Thoroughbred Hunter (2' to 3')
  Horse Owner Points
Reserve Comin' Back Mary Crawford 18.00
Children's Pony Hunter
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Millpoints Rockett Alexis Clelan-Liskey 30.00
Short Stirrup Eq (x-rails) Regional
  Horse Owner Points
Champion Foxmor Love Story Chelsea Bradley 30.00

Class: 1 - Leadline    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Callahan Campbell, Sergeant Pepper 15.00

Class: 2 - Leadline Off-Lead    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Callahan Campbell, Sergeant Pepper 10.00

Class: 2 - Leadline Off Lead    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Callahan Campbell, Sergeant Pepper 15.00

Class: 11 - Short Stirrup Walk Trot    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Chelsea Bradley, Foxmor Love Story 15.00
4 Wesley Stehr, Millpoints Fancy Pants 6.00

Class: 12 - Short Stirrup Walk Trot    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Chelsea Bradley, Foxmor Love Story 15.00
8 Wesley Stehr, Millpoints Fancy Pants 2.00

Class: 13 - Short Stirrup Walk Trot Canter    Entries: 9

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Chelsea Bradley, Foxmor Love Story 15.00
7 Wesley Stehr, Millpoints Fancy Pants 3.00

Class: 14 - Short Stirrup O/F    Entries: 8

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Chelsea Bradley, Foxmor Love Story 15.00

Class: 31 - Children's Hunter Pony O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Millpoints Rockett, Piper Wiest 10.00
4 Little Miss Pickles, Bristol Rudy 6.00

Class: 32 - Children's Hunter Pony O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Millpoints Rockett, Piper Wiest 15.00
4 Little Miss Pickles, Bristol Rudy 6.00

Class: 33 - Children's Hunter Pony O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Little Miss Pickles, Bristol Rudy 8.00
5 Millpoints Rockett, Piper Wiest 5.00

Class: 34 - Children's Hunter Pony U/S    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Millpoints Rockett, Piper Wiest 15.00
3 Little Miss Pickles, Bristol Rudy 8.00

Class: 39 - Modified Hunter O/F    Entries: 13

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Sergeant Pepper, Elyse Geiger 15.00
5 Foxmor Fancy Feet, Chelsea Bradley 8.00

Class: 40 - Modified Hunter O/F    Entries: 13

Place Horse/Rider Points
4 Foxmor Fancy Feet, Chelsea Bradley 9.00

Class: 41 - Modified Hunter O/F    Entries: 12

Place Horse/Rider Points
4 Foxmor Love Story, Piper Wiest 9.00
6 Foxmor Fancy Feet, Chelsea Bradley 7.00

Class: 42 - Modified Hunter U/S    Entries: 13

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Foxmor Love Story, Piper Wiest 20.00
2 Foxmor Fancy Feet, Chelsea Bradley 15.00

Class: 43 - Low Hunter O/F    Entries: 12

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Bindilou, Jennifer Rogala 12.00
4 Castroneves, Jennifer Rogala 9.00

Class: 44 - Low Hunter O/F    Entries: 11

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bindilou, Jennifer Rogala 20.00

Class: 45 - Low Hunter O/F    Entries: 11

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Bindilou, Jennifer Rogala 20.00
4 Castroneves, Jennifer Rogala 9.00
7 Comin' Back, Madison Barnett 6.00

Class: 46 - Low Hunter U/S    Entries: 2

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Castroneves, Jennifer Rogala 20.00

Class: 55 - Open Hunter O/F    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 15.00

Class: 56 - Open Hunter O/F    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 10.00

Class: 57 - Open Hunter O/F    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 8.00

Class: 58 - Open Hunter U/S    Entries: 3

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 10.00

Class: 59 - Childrens Hunter O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
5 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 5.00

Class: 60 - Childrens Hunter O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 10.00

Class: 61 - Childrens Hunter O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 15.00

Class: 62 - Childrens Hunter U/S    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
5 Gio Lemon, Caden Nolt 5.00

Class: 71 - Low Adult Hunter O/F    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Millpoint’s Autumn Rose, Anna Hartranft 15.00

Class: 72 - Low Adult Hunter O/F    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Millpoint’s Autumn Rose, Anna Hartranft 10.00

Class: 73 - Low Adult Hunter O/F    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Millpoint’s Autumn Rose, Anna Hartranft 10.00

Class: 74 - Low Adult Hunter U/S    Entries: 6

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Millpoint’s Autumn Rose, Anna Hartranft 15.00

Class: 83 - Low TB Hunter O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
2 Comin' Back, Madison Barnett 10.00

Class: 84 - Low TB Hunter O/F    Entries: 5

Place Horse/Rider Points
3 Comin' Back, Madison Barnett 8.00

Class: 85 - Low TB Hunter O/F    Entries: 4

Place Horse/Rider Points
1 Comin' Back, Madison Barnett 15.00

Class: 101 - 0.70m Jumper - Table 2.2.b    Entries: 18

Place Horse/Rider Points
7 Funny Bone, Caden Nolt 9.00

Class: 103 - 0.80m Jumper - Table 2.1    Entries: 13

Place Horse/Rider Points
6 Funny Bone, Caden Nolt 7.00

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